About Us
With over 20 years professional care experience and non-professional care experience within the management team we are able to provide bespoke in depth care and support to children, young people and adults with additional needs. We provide direct staff to work with individuals giving each client opportunity to choose their team and design their package of support. We specialise in Autism, Epilepsy, Learning Disabilities and Physical Disabilities. We support individuals within their own home, out in the community or to access education facilities.
We are a fun friendly family run business. The management team are committed to ensuring the best quality care and to continue to develop and improve practice and learning.
Our mission is to be the go-to outstanding CQC accredited provider of bespoke care and support packages for children, young people and adults in Dudley and South Staffs with PMLD, Complex Care needs and Learning disabilities.
Please tell us how we can help you!
What We Do

Adult Care
Adult social care encompasses a wide range of services designed to help adults with difficulties in their lives.

Young Person Care
As you transition from childhood into adult hood, we will help you to navigate the services available…

Access to the Community
Community access is probably something most people take for granted. After all, most people access their community in…

Home Care
Live-in care is a personalised 24 hour service which is carried out in the comfort of your own home. Your own…
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